Mobile Text Connect REST Service


The Mobile Text Connect Service provides operations for managing a Mobile Text Connect Conversation. This is intended to support a consumer-initiated text conversation (e.g. consumer clicks on a website button). No actual SMS is sent. The call can include metadata in the ListingDetails parameter.

Format: XML
Method: POST

URI (regionally defined):

  • North America :
  • Australia :
  • Europe :

ProviderIdIntRequiredProviderId assigned by ContactAtOnce! to each Provider.
UserNameStringRequiredUserName assigned by ContactAtOnce! to each Provider for use with the ContactAtOnce! API.
PasswordStringRequired Password for the account. Password initially assigned by ContactAtOnce! but may be changed via the Publisher Portal.
MerchantIdIntRequired if advertiserId is not providedContactAtOnce! unique identifier of the Merchant for which the Mobile Text Connect session is to be initiated. If MerchantId is not known, AdvertiserId must be provided and the MerchantId element not included. Either AdvertiserId or MerchantId should be included in request but not both.
AdvertiserIdStringRequired if merchantId is not providedAdvertiser's unique identifier, of the Merchant for which the Mobile Text Connect session is to be initiated. If AdvertiserId is not known, MerchantId must be provided and the AdvertiserId element not included. Either AdvertiserId or MerchantId should be included in request but not both.
PlacementIdIntOptionalPlacement Id from which the site visitor clicked to initiate the Mobile Text Connect session.
ListingDetailsStringOptionalContextual data that describes the location from which the site visitor clicked. Listing details are passed to the merchant agents to facilitate effective answering. See Listing Details
ConsumerPhoneNumberStringRequiredDescribes the consumer's Mobile Text Connect request.
ConsumerPhoneNumberCountryCodeStringRequiredCountry code of the mobile phone number of the consumer.
ConsumerFirstNameStringOptionalFirst Name of the Consumer
ConsumerLastNameStringOptionalLast Name of the Consumer
ConsumerQuestionStringOptionalMessage from the consumer

StatusStringValues include:
  • Success - Requested transaction successfully completed
  • Failure - Requested transaction could not be completed including any user authentication errors.
DescriptionStringNullable. Descriptive text that describes user exceptions.

If you require assistance, please click on the “We’re In” button below, call 1 (678) 648-6961 or email us at