Tracked Call REST Service

Tracked Call API is a RESTful web service that allows authorized third parties to generate the visual alert on dealer desktop(s) and indicate when a call is complete.

Since the API is based on REST principles, it’s very easy to write and test applications. You can use your browser to access URLs, and you can use pretty much any HTTP client in any programming language to interact with the API. The ContactAtOnce! Initiate MTC Variation REST API is served over HTTPS. To ensure data privacy, unencrypted HTTP is not supported.

The Tracked Call API REST web service uses Basic Authentication. ContactAtOnce! can issue you an APIKEY to use. A username and password are not necessary.


    Base URL (regionally defined):

    • North America :
    • Australia :
    • Europe :


    This REST service is used to generate the visual alert on dealer desktop(s) at the phone call begin time.
    Format : JSON
    Method : POST
    URI : /api/v1.0/TrackedCall/Register

    Resource Properties

    CallIdStringRequiredUnique Id assigned to the call by the Publisher.
    ConsumerPhoneStringRequiredThe Consumer's mobile phone number.
    MerchantPhoneStringRequiredThe phone number the consumer called.
    StartTimeDateTimeRequiredDate and Time the call started.
    ConsumerNameStringOptionalConsumers First and Last name.
    ConsumerCityStringOptionalConsumers city.
    ConsumerStateStringOptionalConsumers state.
    ConsumerAddress1StringOptionalConsumers address line 1.
    ConsumerAddress2StringOptionalConsumers address line 2.
    ConsumerZipStringOptionalConsumers zipcode.

    • 0 - Success
    • 1 - Failure

    FailureDescriptionStringNullable. Descriptive text that describes user exceptions.

    Sample Header- JSON

    Authorization: Basic {YOUR_API_KEY}
    Accept: version=2;

    Sample POST- JSON

        "StartTime":"2015-12-02 4:30:00 PM",
        "ConsumerName":"first last",
        "ConsumerAddress1":"123 fff",

    Sample Response- JSON

       "Status": 0,
       "FailureDescription": null

    This REST service is used to indicate that call has completed; (and if applicable, call audio location) at the phone call end time.

    Format : JSON
    Method : POST
    URI : /api/v1.0/TrackedCall/Complete

    Resource Properties

    CallIdStringRequiredUnique Id assigned to the call by the Publisher.
    • 0 - COMPLETE
    • 1 - NOANSWER
    • 2 - HANGUP
    • 3 - VOICEMAIL
    • 4 - BUSY
    • 5 - CANCEL
    • 6 - CONGESTION
    • 7 - ERROR
    • 8 - NOFORWARDS
    DurationStringRequiredDuration of the call in seconds.
    EndTimeDateTimeRequiredDate and Time the call ended.
    AdudioFileURLStringOptionalURL of the call audio file.

    • 0 - Success
    • 1 - Failure

    FailureDescriptionStringNullable. Descriptive text that describes user exceptions.

    Sample Header- JSON

    Authorization: Basic {YOUR_API_KEY}
    Accept: version=2;

    Sample POST- JSON

        "EndTime":"2015-12-02 4:30:30 PM",

    Sample Response- JSON

       "Status": 0,
       "FailureDescription": null