AdvertiserAccountStatus for Direct Merchant

ProviderIdIntegerUnique Id assigned by ContactAtOnce! to the Provider. 0 for NotFound
MerchantIdIntegerUnique Id assigned by ContactAtOnce! to the Merchant. 0 for NotFound
ProvisioningStatusCodeEnumPopulated only for ‘Provisioned’ advertisers. Values include:
  • NotFound : No advertiser account exists for the AdvertiserId
  • TrackedNumberProvisionedPending Review:The advertiser account is Provisioned with a tracked number which is operational.
  • PendingReview : The advertiser account was once provisioned but is pending the ContactAtOnce! provision review.
  • PendingAdvertiserAdminAction:The advertiser account has been provisioned but advertiser administrator has not yet begun the activation.
  • NoAgentsDefined : The advertiser administrator started the account activation but has not defined any responding agents.
  • NoObservedImpressions: The advertiser account is activated but no impressions have been observed on the Publisher site
  • NoObservedPresentImpressions : The advertiser account is activated but no present impressions have been observed on the Publisher site .
  • ActivatedNoConversationsObserved: The advertiser account is activated but no IM Conversation/Chat sessions have been observed on the Publisher site
  • Activated : The advertiser account has been fully activated including at least one IM conversation has been observed from the Publisher site.
  • AdvertiserDecline: The advertiser declined to activate the account.
  • AdvertiserUnprovisioned : The advertiser is no longer active.
ProvisioningStatusDescriptionStringLong Description of the Provisioning Status Code
AccountStatusCodeEnumIndicates the account status summary of the advertiser account. Values include:
  • NotFound : No advertiser account exists for the AdvertiserId
  • Provisioned :The advertiser account is Provisioned
  • Unprovisioned : The advertiser account was once provisioned but has now been unprovisioned.
AccountStatusDescriptionStringLong Description of the Account Status Code
LastProvisionDateDateTimeDate Advertiser Account was provisioned. If Advertiser Account has been reinstated, the date will be the most recent Reinstatement date.NULL if AccountSummaryStatus is NotFound.
LastUnprovisionDateDateTimeDate Advertiser Account was unprovisioned. If Advertiser Account has been reinstated, the date will be the most recent Unprovision date.NULL if Account has not been unprovisioned.
ProvisionCommentDateDateTimeDate of the comments from the ContactAtOnce! implementation team regarding advertiser status.
ProvisionCommentStringComments from ContactAtOnce! implementation team regarding advertiser status.