ContactAtOnce! Provided IM Client — Automatic Presence Control & Operation

ContactAtOnce! is designed to require minimal or no user actions…except for answering prospective customer leads!  ContactAtOnce!  features automatically adapt as you are up and down from your computer during the work day, thus reducing or eliminating the need to explicitly sign on to or sign off from the application.

Automatic StartContactAtOnce! automatically starts when your computer is booted.You need not remember to start ContactAtOnce! each time your computer is booted.
Automatic SignonContactAtOnce! automatically signs on when started.You need not remember to sign on to ContactAtOnce! each time your ContactAtOnce! is started.
Automatic AwayContactAtOnce! automatically detects keyboard and mouse activity on your computer. When you leave your computer for an extended period, ContactAtOnce! senses you are “away”. Thus your “presence icons” will be automatically turned off when you are away from your desk.You need not remember to manually go offline/sign off from ContactAtOnce! when you leave your desk.
Automatic ReturnContactAtOnce! automatically detects that you’ve returned to your computer and are “online”. Thus your “presence icons” will be automatically turned back on when you return to your desk.You need not remember to manually go online with ContactAtOnce! when you return to your desk from being away.
Automatic SignoffContactAtOnce! automatically signs off and shuts down when your computer is turned offYou need not remember to go offline/sign off from ContactAtOnce! when you leave your desk for the day.
Bottom LineContactAtOnce!, designed for your real world, automatically adjusts as you go about your busy day. We highly recommend that you leave the default settings in place for ContactAtOnce! to automatically manage presence. Look for the ContactAtOnce! boomerang: cao.png in the Windows System Tray (by default, in the bottom right hand corner of your screen). When you see the boomerang, you know that ContactAtOnce! automatic presence control is working for you.You do not, in normal operation, need to manually sign on or off from ContactAtOnce!. Simply answer leads as they arrive.