Modifying Resources

The SDK utilizes several resources as part of its GUI. To customize those resources, please add appropriate resources to your project:

DescriptionResources name
Default brand avatar on the avatar next to brand bubble (the first brand message) and on agent avatar appearing on the action bar before an agent is assigned. In case you want to define the background color for this avatar - override "brand_logo_background_color" resource id. (This is relevant for bubble brand’s avatar only. Background color of agent avatar on action bar is "agent_avatar_background_color").lp_messaging_ui_brand_logo
Default agent avatar appearing next to an agent’s bubble when no avatar URL is assigned and on agent avatar appearing on the action bar. In case you want to define the background color for this avatar, override "agent_avatar_background_color" resource id.lp_messaging_ui_ic_agent_avatar
Default send button icon vector drawable. It will appear on the send button. The drawable is colored when the send button is enabled. The color configuration used is R.color.lp_send_button_text_enable. When the send button is disabled, we color it by the color configuration R.color.lp_send_button_text_disable. See more here: Configuring the SDK To Override this resource - create your own vector drawable under the android drawable folder with the same resource name.lpinfra_ui_ic_send_disabled.xml