
MessageConversationDetail includes many attributes that describe a In App Messaging conversation.

AdvertiserIdStringAdvertiserId for the Report Statistics Summary.
AdvertiserNameStringName of the Advertiser account for the Report Statistics Summary.
ApplicationIdIntUnique Id assigned to In App Messaging Application.
ApplicationNameStringName for In App Messaging Application.
ApplicationConsumerIdStringId of the Consumer submitted by In App Messaging Application.
ApplicationSessionIdStringId of the Session submitted by In App Messaging Application.
DeviceStringDevice the Consumer used to initiate the Conversation.
OSStringOperating System of the Device the Consumer used to initiate the Conversation.
VisitIdIntUnique internal identifier assigned by ContactAtOnce! representing a site visitor's "visit" with an advertiser. Multiple communication types may be included within a single visit, if for example the conversation is escalated to a click-to-call or VoIP session.
StartTimeDateTimeObserved. The timestamp, in UTC, that the first message in the conversation was sent or received.
LastMessageTimeDateTimeObserved. The timestamp, in UTC, that the last message in the conversation was received.
AnsweringAgentIdIntUnique Identifier of the agent who is currently assigned to the conversation.
AnsweringAgentNameStringThe name of the agent who answered the conversation.
AnsweringAgentEmailStringEmail address of the agent who answered the conversation.
NumberOfMessagesIntDerived. Number of messages sent in the conversation.
NumberOfAgentMessagesIntDerived. Number of messages sent by the Agent in the conversation.
NumberOfAgentMessagesIntDerived. Number of messages sent by the consumer in the conversation.
ConsumerMobilePhoneStringObserved. Mobile phone number of the consumer.
ConsumerFirstNameStringObserved. First name of the consumer.
ConsumerLastNameStringObserved. Last name of the consumer.
MsgConversationStatusStringIndicates status of the conversation. Possible values are:
  • Active - the conversation is ongoing
  • Paused - the conversation has met a logical end but can be reactivated by an inbound consumer message
  • Stopped - the consumer has opted out
ListingDetailsStringContextual data passed, in the site integration script, from an advertisement or listing to ContactAtOnce!.

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